- 地址北京市朝陽區東四環中路60遠洋國際中心C座1301室
- 郵件 qifa1238@126.com
- 電話 +86(10) 8586 1238
Qifayuan International Exhibition (Beijing) Co., LTD., Beijing Qifa Exhibition Service Co., LTD., Shenzhen Qifa Exhibition Co., Ltd. are the three exhibition organizations under the brand of QIFA Exhibition. Main business: host/undertake exhibitions and conferences; exhibition service; home court service, design and construction. The three enterprises work together, and the business involves domestic and foreign. Qifa exhibition is the key contact exhibition enterprises of the Ministry of Commerce and the governing unit of China Exhibition Hall Association. Qifa Exhibition was founded in early 2000, the existing staff of more than 120 people, under the exhibition department, planning department, international department, advertising department, design department, network management department, information management department and other functional departments. In the past 20 years, it has successfully held hundreds of large-scale exhibitions, with an annual exhibition area of nearly 300,000 square meters, and regularly held exhibition projects involving national defense information equipment, military and police equipment, natural gas vehicles and vessels, hydrogen energy equipment, hydrogen fuel vehicles, nuclear power equipment, traditional Chinese medicine, environmental health, garbage classification and other more than a dozen industries, creating a number of nationally renowned exhibition brands. After years of exhibition precipitation, the company has cultivated a large number of professional personnel with pioneering spirit and rich exhibition experience. The company has developed rapidly and is an important backbone of the exhibition industry. Show the present, looking forward to the future, "QIFA" people are willing to adhere to the spirit of "cooperation, enterprising, innovation, success", adhere to the "honest and pragmatic, customer first" service purpose, and actively maintain close contact and cooperation with the government and domestic and foreign industry organizations (chambers of commerce, associations, societies) and other relevant media, professional groups. Strive to make the exhibition project "internationalization, specialization, branding, scale", and make joint efforts to promote the prosperity and progress of China's exhibition industry to make greater contributions.
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NGVS CHINA 從2008年以前的幾千平米到2015年已經達到70000平方米,是國內外NGVS展會增長最快,也是規模最大的展會。我公司已經是連續10多次參展,NGVS CHINA能有今天的龐大陣容,也正是取決于主辦方北京企發展覽服務有限公司,精心組織、大力宣傳、細致周到的服務所贏來的。
HOUPU ENERGY非常感謝企發展覽服務有限公司在展會組織和舉行過程中付出的辛勤努力,希望展會在技術交流和業務發展中發揮出更大的作用,邀請更多的專業觀眾和專家學者蒞臨展會現參觀指導,祝愿NGVS SChina越辦越好,并成為引領行業發展的航向標。展會高大上的裝修和合理整齊的布局,是我公司參加所有展會中獨樹一幟的,使我印象深刻。
CIMC ENRIC我公司每年都到會參展,無論從展會規模,展商的數量,每年都明顯遞增,我公司從首屆9平方米展位到2010年前100平米展位,2011至2017我公司以協辦單位參加展會,面積為900平方米。NGVS CHINA每年是我公司的重要活動之一,在展會現場我們見到了高質量的海內外觀眾和新老客戶。
SYN ENERGYNGVS CHINA在國內外NGVS展會中可以說是NGVS產業的風向標,這說明主辦單位北京企發展覽服務有限公司精心組織,展前的大力宣傳工作做的很到位,中國將是世界上最大的天然氣汽車市場,有具大的發展潛力。
TIANHAI INDUSTRY十幾年來我司一直參加北京環衛展,見證了展會規模越來越大,效果越來越好的過程,現北京環衛展已成為名副其實的行業發展風向標。我們也將永遠支持北京環衛展,支持環衛事業。
GANSU CONSTRUCTION本次環衛與市政設施及清洗設備展覽會是疫情過后,國內環衛行業的一次盛會,大咖云集,行業內各大知名廠家和眾多行業新興力量踴躍參與,除了有常規的設備展示展覽,本次大會主辦方還邀請眾多學者和資深行業專家,精心安排了許多針對當下環衛行業所面臨的問題和困境的論壇講座,非常具有參考意義。綜合而言,這是一場能夠代表國內環衛行業的水平、引導行業前進和發展方向的高質量展會。
ZOOMLION我公司已經連續10多年參加NGVS CHINA,覺得展會一屆比一屆辦的好。該展覽會是一個展示我公司產品及服務的黃金機會。感謝主辦單位北京企發展覽公司為行業內組織這一專業的行業盛會,我認為公司參加這次展會是物超所值。秩序井然的組織工作,完善的設施,高大上的合理布局給我們留下了深刻的印象。我們非常高興并且將一如既往的支持NGVS CHINA,2020年我們將以強大的陣容繼續參展,相信會給我們帶來驚喜和收獲。